A global symbol for menstruation
28 elements, 5 of which are red. The Menstruation Bracelet is a global symbol for menstruation. Those who wear the digital or a physical Menstruation Bracelet show that periods are nothing to hide. They stand up for a period friendly world, start conversations and push back period stigma.
Let’s end period stigma and make this a #PeriodFriendyWorld, one Bracelet at a time.
28 elements, 5 of which are red. The Menstruation Bracelet is a global symbol for menstruation
How to use the Menstruation Bracelet?
The Menstruation Bracelet is the ultimate campaigning tool for organisations, seamlessly fitting into any situation. You can simply use the digital Menstruation Bracelet. Or you can make Menstruation Bracelets from beads - or whatever other materials you fancy.
Here are some ideas how to use the Menstruation Bracelet:
Engage political decision-makers
When it comes to engaging political decision-makers, the Menstruation Bracelet is a perfect door-opener. Ask them to post their image with the bracelet on social media. This is an easy way for them to show support for this important topic.
Collaborate with influencers
The bracelet is an excellent tool for influencers. Ask them to use it in their posts and to add their voices to MH Day. They will engage their followers to spread the awareness even further.
Enhance you social media content
Use the digital bracelet - animated GIFs or illustrations - to enhance your visuals for social media.
Bracelet making activities
Organise bracelet-making activities in communities or schools to start the conversation about menstrual health and hygiene.
Encourage your organisation's leadership and colleagues
Encourage your organisation's leadership and colleagues to join the cause by taking a selfie with the bracelet. Combine them into a collage to create a simple but powerful piece of corporate communication.
Push back the stigma,
one bracelet at a time
Post a picture with the Menstruation Bracelet - digital or physical version - and encourage others to do the same. This way, you help create a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. One bracelet at a time.