Participate as an individual

Every one of us can push back the stigma around menstruation. Whether it's a casual chat or a formal conversation, you have the power to break the taboo. And together, we can change how society views menstruation. Because each conversation can change how people think.

This Menstrual Hygiene Day, let's boldly refuse to stay silent. Let's speak up for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.

Participate as an individual

Every one of us can push back the stigma around menstruation. Whether it's a casual chat or a formal conversation, you have the power to break the taboo. And together, we can change how society views menstruation. Because each conversation can change how people think.

This Menstrual Hygiene Day, let's boldly refuse to stay silent.
Let's speak up for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.

The Menstruation Bracelet

Push back the stigma,
one bracelet at a time

28 beads, 5 of them red. An average of 28 days per cycle, 5 of them bleeding.

The Menstruation Bracelet is more than an accessory. It is a symbol for menstruation. And it is a statement. A statement that says: Periods are nothing to hide. They are totally normal, and we can talk about them openly.

Post a picture with the Menstruation Bracelet - digital or physical version - and encourage others to do the same. This way, you help create a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. One bracelet at a time.

Discover the bracelet varieties

The Menstruation Bracelet illustrations come in a broad variety. Discover the fitted bracelet, the shaped bracelet or animated bracelets. You can find them as a GIF on Instagram or download them directly in the materials section.
Prefer the real deal? You can craft your own!
Get the digital bracelet

One way to access the Menstruation Bracelet is via Instagram GIFs. Search for “MHday2024” in the story interface. If you want to publish elsewhere, you can download the bracelet illustrations in the material section. Simply add them to your picture in any app. Make your images stand out and speak out for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld!

Craft your own bracelet

Why not create your very own Menstruation Bracelet! Making it is super easy. While you can use any material you have available, using beads is the easiest option. Just remember, the Menstruation Bracelet should have 28 elements, with five of them red. Let's get crafting!

Show off your bracelet selfie

Use the Menstruation Bracelet illustrations or your self-made bracelet to make a strong statement effortlessly. Snap a selfie with the bracelet, add a statement and publish it on your account.
Access the bracelet

One way to access the Menstruation Bracelet via Instagram-GIFs. Search for “MHday2024” in the story interface. If you want to publish elsewhere, you can download the bracelet illustrations in the material section. Simply add them to your picture in any app. Make your images stand out and speak out for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld!

Use the right hashtags

Let's unite our voices for the shared goal of a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Amplify your impact by using the hashtags #PeriodFriendlyWorld and #MHDay2024 in your publications. This way, you harness the momentum of MH Day and become part of something bigger.
Period Party

It’s time to celebrate!

This is not any MH Day. This year marks the 10th anniversary - the perfect time for a celebration! Get together with your favourite people and make it a theme party! Want to call it a Period Party? You can! Discover lots of fun ideas in the section Period Party inspirations. Baking recipes, music selection or a quiz - whatever gets the crowd in the mood. And talking decoration – let’s get creative! You can find great festive motifs and craft stencils in the materials section.

Share your party with the movement

It was a blast? Tell the world about it! Make sure to use the hashtags #PeriodFriendlyWorld and #MHDay2024 when sharing your Period Party on social media. And if you like, tell us about it! We are eager to hear about your party. If you took pictures or videos, we would be happy to see them.