Together for a


Together for a

MH Day, 28 May

The movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

The movement for a

The movement for a


Millions of women and girls* around the world are prevented from reaching their full potential. Just because they menstruate. On 28 May, we unite to change that. Menstrual Hygiene Day brings together non-profits, governments, the private sector, and millions of individuals. Together, we increase awareness and action towards our common goal: a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. A world where the taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation are history. Where everyone has access to quality menstrual products, period education and period-friendly toilets. But Menstrual Hygiene Day is more than an awareness day. In the past 10 years, the movement has grown tremendously. Today, more and more of us are also working towards a #PeriodFriendlyWorld beyond 28 May.

*We recognise that not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman and that not all women menstruate

The global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Participate in Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day is open to everyone. Because everyone, individual or organisation, can join the conversation. And has something to contribute. Join the movement and help create a world where women and girls are no longer held back because they menstruate.

Together, we are louder. Together, we strive for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.

Participate in MH Day

As an organisation

Whether you’re an NGO, a company or a government agency - ANY organisation can take part in MH Day. Explore smart ideas and great visuals that make joining the MH Day campaign super easy.

Participate in MH Day

As an individual

Each and every one of us can contribute to a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Everything you need is ready and waiting. Just dive in and make your voice heard!

Become an

MH Day Supporter

Supporters are the champions behind MH Day. They make MH Day possible by providing financial support and in-kind services. Become a driving force for change!

Become part of the

Ambassador Network

Join the group of influencers and creators who lend their influence to the greater cause. Bust the stigma around menstruation and advocate for the MH Day movement.

The theme for 2024

Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Together for a

Togehter for a


In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation are history. It is a world where everyone can access the products, period education and period-friendly infrastructure they need. With one message, we are louder! Here, you find all you need to participate in MH Day.

The global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Participate in Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day is open to everyone. Because everyone, individual or organisation, can join the conversation. And has something to contribute. Join the movement and help create a world where women and girls are no longer held back because they menstruate.

Together, we are louder. Together, we strive for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.

Participate in MH Day

As an organisation

Whether you’re an NGO, a company or a government agency - ANY organisation can take part in MH Day. Explore smart ideas and great visuals that make joining the MH Day campaign super easy.

Participate in MH Day

As an individual

Each and every one of us can contribute to a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Everything you need is ready and waiting. Just dive in and make your voice heard!

Become an

MH Day Supporter

Supporters are the champions behind MH Day. They make MH Day possible by providing financial support and in-kind services. Become a driving force for change!

Become part of the

Ambassador Network

Join the group of influencers and creators who lend their influence to the greater cause. Bust the stigma around menstruation and advocate for the MH Day movement.

Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Together for a

Togehter for a


In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation are history. It is a world where everyone can access the products, period education and period-friendly infrastructure they need. With one message, we are louder! Here, you find all you need to participate in MH Day.

The progress of MH Day

In 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day started with just 155 partners and 89 pieces of media coverage. Since then, it has grown into a global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. In 2024, more than 1,100 MH Day partner organisations, individuals, influencers and the media generated the biggest global conversation to date. Collectively, we reached 966 million people and pushed back taboos and stigma like never before.

MH Day partners
(x 7.5 from 2014 to 2024)





Menstrual Hygiene Day has 1,157 official partner organisations, ranging from UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank to hundreds of small grassroots NGOs.

Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the most partners. India is the country with the highest number of partners.

Media coverage
(x 262.9 from 2014 to 2024)




pieces of media coverage

In 2024, our monitorings tools tracked 23,400 pieces of media coverage – which would fill 171 books, is a 31.25% increase from last year and a new all-time record!

South America really stood out, with media coverage skyrocketing by 801% — from 185 pieces last year to 1,664 this year.

North and Central America continues to be the most active region with 11,573 pieces (49.46% of total). Followed by Asia (17.61%), Europe (17.41%), South America (7.11%), Africa (4.9%) and Oceania (3.51%).

Note: We use the social media and media intelligence tool Meltwater to identify media pieces - published online, on radio or tv, but not including print - between April 29 and June 10 2024. The massive value for North America is also due to the fact that web-pages from e.g. African media outlets are often hosted on U.S. servers and therefore appear in the statistics here.

Social media
(x 36.6 from 2014 to 2024)




social media contributions

In 2024, our monitoring tools tracked 293,000 contributions on social media – which would take 42.5 days to read them all, is a 31.98% increase from last year and a new all-time record!

South America has made the biggest leap, recording an increase of 191% — from 2,799 pieces last year to 8,143 this year.

Africa continues to be the most active region with 115,916 contributions (39.56% of total), followed by North and Central America (26.72%), Asia (16.99%), Europe (12.95%), South America (2.78%) and Oceania (1%).

Note: We use the renowned social media and media intelligence tool Meltwater to identify contributions between April 29 and June 10 2024. We can only partially track contributions on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, and we cannot track Instagram stories. Hence, we estimate that the actual number of social media contributions is far higher.

People reached
(x 43.9 from 2014 to 2024)




people reached

This is the power of collective action: MH Day 2024 reached 966 million people – that’s 1/8th of the world’s population, a 37.8% increase from last year and a new all-time record! Every post, article, and conversation about menstruation during the campaign phase between April 29 and June 10 2024 made this possible.

But how exactly do we measure "reach"?

We use the renowned social media and media intelligence tool Meltwater to identify all social conversations and online media contributions, as well as to measure the gross reach. Based on this number and with the help of experts from the Meltwater team, we calculate the actual number of people reached.

10 years of MH Day

This year, Menstrual Hygiene Day turns 10. That means 10 years of campaigning and advocating. Of speaking up and – step by step - changing how the world perceives menstruation. In these 10 years, we have made a massive impact all over the world. And we are not done yet.

Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Together for a

Togehter for a


In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation are history. It is a world where everyone can access the products, period education and period-friendly infrastructure they need. With one message, we are louder!
Here, you find all you need to participate in MH Day.

The global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Take part in MH Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day is open to all. Because everyone, individual or organisation, can join the conversation. And has something to contribute. Join the movement and help create a world where women and girls are no longer held back because they menstruate.

Together, we are louder. Together we strive for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.

Participate in MH Day

as an organisaton

Whether you’re an NGO, a company or government agency - ALL organisations can take part in MH Day. Discover smart ideas and great visuals to support your campaign.

Participate in MH Day

as an individual

Each and every one of us can contribute to a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Everything you need is ready and waiting. Just dive in and make your voice heard!

Become an

MH Day Supporter

Supporters are the champions behind MH Day. They make MH Day possible by providing financial support and in-kind services. Ready to make a difference?

Become part of the

Ambassador Network

Join the group of influencers and creators who lend their influence to the greater cause. Bust the stigma around menstruation and advocate for the MH Day movement.

Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation are history. It is a world where everyone can access the products, education and infrastructure they need.
With one message, we are louder!
Here you find all you need to participate in the MH Day.

Driving change globally

Menstrual Hygiene Day Supporters

A massive shout-out to the MH Day Supporters - the champions behind the MH Day movement. They drive progress towards a #PeriodFriendlyWorld globally and make MH Day possible with their financial support! A special "thank you" goes to our main supporters, P&G/Always and Kimberly-Clark/Kotex.

Main supporters

UN agencies, governments + multilateral organisations

Philanthropic partners

Global NGOs + networks

Corporate partners

Pro bono + low bono partners

MH Day campaign materials

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Everyone can download and use the MH Day campaign materials. Explore the database to find the right materials for you. Do you have something specific in mind? Use the filters for a pre-selection. Just browsing? Go ahead! You will find what you are looking for.